{% import '@AdminLTE/Macros/buttons.html.twig' as button %} {% if block('box_before') is defined %}{{ block('box_before') }}{% endif %} {% set _collapsed = collapsed|default(false) %} {% set _solid = solid|default(admin_lte_context.widget.solid) %} {% set _border = border|default(admin_lte_context.widget.bordered) %} {% set _footer = use_footer|default(admin_lte_context.widget.use_footer) or block('box_footer') is defined %} {% if removable is not defined %} {% set removable = admin_lte_context.widget.removable %} {% endif %} {% if collapsible is not defined %} {% set collapsible = (_collapsed or admin_lte_context.widget.collapsible) %} {% endif %}
{% if block('box_title') is defined or collapsible or removable %}
{% if block('box_title') is defined %}

{{ block('box_title') }}

{% endif %}
{# Buttons, labels, and many other things can be placed here! #} {% if block('box_tools') is defined %}{{ block('box_tools') }}{% endif %} {% if collapsible %} {{ button.action_toolbutton( _collapsed ? 'fas fa-plus' : 'fas fa-minus' , 'collapse', collapsible_title|default(admin_lte_context.widget.collapsible_title|default()|trans({}, 'AdminLTEBundle')) ) }} {% endif %} {% if removable %} {{ button.action_toolbutton( 'fas fa-times', 'remove', removable_title|default(admin_lte_context.widget.removable_title|default()|trans({}, 'AdminLTEBundle')) ) }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ block('box_body') }}
{% if _footer and block('box_footer') is defined %} {# If there is a form in the block_footer, it will be rendered when checking "is not empty". Therefor we have to cache the output first and then perform the checks. #} {% set boxFooter = block('box_footer') %} {% if boxFooter is not empty %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if block('box_after') is defined %}{{ block('box_after') }}{% endif %}